Hi everyone. It's been a while since we posted but life has been a blur!!

Grandchildren arriving. New tours being planned. Meetings with various people. Presentations given to and for various organisations.


The season for showing off Scotland is now here and so our tours are going at full tilt.

OUTLANDER is going strong and in this period of #DROUGHTLANDER why not join us on our one day Series 1 and Series 2 filming location tours or combine them in a 2 day experience. Or for that indulgent adventure, sign up for our 7 day trip in September. Full information at

MACKENZIE LANDS is still proving popular and there are several private tours organised for this season.

WHISKY TOURS continue to generate interest. Bookings are now being taken for the 7 day tour in 2018. Dates are not yet set, so why not book now for dates that suit you. A new addition to our portfolio is our WHISKY TASTING evenings. Ideal for people wanting to learn about whisky and also as a fun and informative evening for both corporate business or a group of friends. Contact us at for details.